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Tag: Salvation
How much was Muhammad influenced by Satan?
How much was Muhammad influenced by Satan? Hatun and Abbas discuss how much Muhammad was influenced by Satan? The Hadith states we he was the…
Muhammad’s vision of hell
Muhammad had terrifying visions of hell and was worried about ending up there himself.
Good Friday
33 At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. 34 And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud…
Adnan Rashid’s claims about Islam- part 2
James White and Adnan Rashid had a debate recently on whether or not the Cross is necessary for salvation. In my last post, I analysed…
James White and Adnan Rashid debate – part 1
The recent encounter between James White and Adnan Rashid on “Is the Cross necessary for salvation?” was predictable enough. Dr White did OK on the…
The route to Islamic salvation – part 3
In the last two articles we looked at salvation in Christianity; how it is won for us by Jesus on the Cross and how it…
Salvation in Christianity and Islam. Part 2: Repentance
by Lizzie Schofield I said in part 1 that I would write about salvation in Islam in part 2, but there are a few thoughts…
Salvation in Christianity and Islam
The point of any religion is to make sense of life’s big questions: why does the universe exist and what is it for? Does God…