More dirty wudu water! Lizzie and Abbas carry on the theme of drinking Muhammad’s wudu water….and his blood and urine, and washing with his spit,…
Tag: Qur’an
Crucify them? Or pray for those who persecute you?
Crucify them? Or pray for those who persecute you? Crucify them? Or pray for those who persecute you? Daniel discusses Sura 5:32-3 and Matthew 5:44-45…
Allah says ‘kill them.’
Allah says ‘kill them.’ Godwin discusses Sura 9:29 with a group of Muslims. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor…
Does Jesus teach violence?
Does Jesus teach violence? Daniel talks to a Muslim about whether Jesus teaches his followers to be violent in Luke 19:27, and contrasts it with…
Bizarre signs of prophethood!
Bizarre signs of prophethood! Some bizarre signs of Muhammad’s prophethood found in Islamic tradition. Signs that are not consistent with the criteria of prophethood in…
Drink Muhammad’s dirty water?
Drink Muhammad’s dirty water? Hatun and Godwin discuss whether Muhammad really is the ‘seal of prophets’ – and discover some disturbing details along the way.…
Why was the Qur’an revealed?
Why was the Qur’an revealed? David and Hatun look at the reasons from the Qur’an why it was revealed? Was it really for the whole…
Summary: Allah takes different forms on Judgement Day
Summary: Allah takes different forms on Judgement Day. In this summary video, Daniel and Hatun explain from Islamic tradition how, on the day of judgement,…
Did Allah give power to Qur’anic Jesus?
Did Allah give power to Qu’ranic Jesus? Hatun asks why Jesus in the Qur’an has power just like Allah to create and give life? “Permission”…
Allah’s body parts on Judgement Day
Allah’s body parts on Judgement Day. Hatun and Daniel discuss Allah’s….shin. “(Remember) the Day when the Shin shall be laid bare (i.e. the Day of…