“The Qur’an is a book of peace” – Mr Justice Haddon-Cave

Hatun and Lizzie examine the statement the judge made when sentencing the Parsons Green bomber on 23 March 2018.

The judge, Mr Justice Haddon-Cave said, “I sentence you to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 34 years.

Finally, Ahmed Hassan, let me say this to you. You will have plenty of time to study the Qur’an in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Qur’an is a book of peace; Islam is a religion of peace. The Qur’an and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the ‘law of the land’ where one is living or is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism (hiraba). The Qur’an and the Sunna provide that the crime of perpetrating terror to “cause corruption in the land” is one of the most severe crimes in Islam. So it is in the law of the United Kingdom. You have, therefore, received the most severe of sentences under the law of this land. You have violated the Qur’an and Islam by your actions, as well as the law of all civilized people. It is to be hoped that you will come to realise this one day. Please go with the officers.” (Full statement here – 23 March 2018).

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