Tommy Robinson, freedom of speech activist who exposed the Islamic grooming gangs, comes to Speakers Corner with flowers and chocolate to show support for Hatun.
Category: Speakers’ Corner
Thank you – Reflection on Speakers’ Corner
Thank you all for turning up to Speakers’ Corner with flowers and chocolate to stand for freedom of speech.
Ejection of Christians from Speakers Corner – Political Policing?
Many Christians were asked to leave Speakers’ Corner on Sunday.
Speakers’ Corner: 3 Christians Killed in France by Follower of Religion of Pieces
Hatun talks about a follower of Islam who, armed with a knife, brutally killed three Christians at the Notre-Dame Basilica church.
Speakers’ Corner: Solomon’s Inshallah, Punched in the Face
A discussion of Muhammad turns ugly when a man suddenly struck Hatun in the face, shattering her glasses. Thumbnail shows the instant the attacker hit…
Elisha, The Youths And The Bears – Part 2/3
In the first part, I discussed how the dawah team tries to defend the violence of Allah and his human followers by bringing up various…
Elisha, The Youths And The Bears – Part 1/3
Doubtless because there is next to nothing in the New Testament to which they can appeal to show the God of the Bible as violent…
The Destruction Of The Amalekites – Part 6/6
Conclusion The accusation of dawah team against the Bible regarding the destruction of Amalek is invalid. What YHWH did in commanding the extirpation of the Amalekites was…