If the Son of God died on Good Friday, how can Friday be called “Good”?
Category: Jesus
Knowing the King of the Universe
Hatun discusses the privilege of not only knowing Jesus, the King of the universe but being known and loved by Him.
Did Part of God Die on the Cross?
A Muslim asks, “As the eternal Son of God died on the cross, do you believe that a part of God died on the cross?”
The Son Prays – What Does It Reveal?
Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane, John 17, revealing his divinity
Look and Live
Hatun compares Moses lifting the bronze serpent on a pole and Jesus being lifted on a cross.
Why Did Jesus Pray In the Garden of Gethsemane?
Hatun asks Anthony Rogers about Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, “not my will but yours be done” (Mark 14:36 and Luke 22:42). Does this mean that Jesus was not willing to give up his life but was in fact forced to by God the Father?
Would You Kill Your Son For A Criminal? With Anthony Rogers
Anthony Rogers answers a Muslim’s question: How do you explain the sacrifice of Jesus? Who would kill their son for a criminal?
Jesus on the Cross and Elijah?! Anthony Rogers Answers
If Jesus, as one of the members of the triune godhead, created Elijah, why did he cry out for Elijah whilst hanging on the cross?
What did Jesus Gain For Us By His Death? Anthony Rogers Explains
Anthony Rogers gives a brief summary on what the death of Jesus gives to those who believe in him
Open Skype: Debate & Discussion, Q&A
Marriage, Muhammad and his privileges, Islamic paradise, Child marriage, The Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ