FGM in Islamic sources. Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet said to her: Do not cut severely…
Category: Islam
FGM “makes the woman calm.”
FGM “makes the woman calm” according to one Muslim. Lizzie talks to some Muslims about FGM, showing it was practised in the time of Muhammad…
Is Allah just?
Is Allah just? Godwin talks to Muslims on the topic of justice. Is Allah just? Find us on YouTube and Facebook
Remembering Manchester
Remembering Manchester. Remembering last years bombing in Manchester. On the 22nd May 2017 in Manchester 22 people where killed by Muslim jihadist, Salman Abedi. Find…
Is FGM Islamic?
Is FGM Islamic? Hatun and Godwin discuss. Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet said to her: Do…
Violence in Islam and Christianity
Violence in Islam and Christianity. Daniel and the Islamic da’wah team discuss violence in Islam and Christianity. Find us on YouTube and Facebook
Eye-witness testimony in the Bible and Hadith
Lizzie and Paul Williams discuss eyewitness testimony in the Bible and Hadith. Paul brings up Matthew 27:52 which he says Christian scholars claim is…
Should Christians bless Ramadan?
Should Christians bless Ramadan? The Archbishop of Canterbury wished Muslims a blessed time of prayer and fasting this Ramadan. But Ramadan is also a time…
Ramadan: month of feasting, killing and cursing
Ramadan: month of feasting, killing and cursing. The purpose of Biblical fasting is seeking God. Fasting in Islam is actually about feasting, killing and cursing…
Polygamy in the Qur’an
In our last post, we discussed polygamy in the Bible. In summary, polygamy was permitted under God’s sovereignty during Old Testament times, but even then it…