Did Muhammad have good moral standards? Godwin questions Islamic Dawah Team about whether Muhammad had good moral standards. Fondling virgins? Tongue sucking during fasting? Looking…
Author: DCCI Ministries
Islamic Da’wah team asks for more Jizya
Ali Dawah comes back to confront Daniel on the hadith which Daniel used with Adnan in last week’s debate. Sadly Ali doesn’t have a good…
Muslims sweep the floor with the Qur’ans!
Muslims sweep the floor with the Qur’ans! Are the Warsh Qur’ans dot by dot, letter by letter, sound by sound, vowel by vowel exactly same,…
Does Islam allow lying?
Does Islam allow lying? Many Sunni Muslims will deny the doctrine of taqqiya (lying), saying it is only practised by Shi’as. Lizzie and Hatun shows…
Objection 2: How can God become a man?
“How can the Creator of everything become a man? How can he limit himself? It’s just not logical. It doesn’t make sense to me.” Note…
Can we trust the Qur’ans?
Can we trust the Qur’ans? Can you trust the Qur’an? How was it compiled? Why are there different Arabic Qur’ans with meanful variants? Christian/Muslim discussion.…
Jizya: follow-up debate
Jizya: follow-up debate. Daniel and Adnan continue last week’s debate on Jizya. The introduction to the debate can be seen on the Islamic Dawah Team’s…
Sex in Paradise – what more do you want?
Sex in Paradise – what more do you want? Hatun discusses the nature of Islamic paradise with the Islamic Dawah team. Apologies – contains graphic…
Was Muhammad a good father?
Was Muhammad a good father? It’s Father’s Day in the UK; Hatun and Godwin are asking if Muhammad was a good father. What kind of…
Muhammad is not a prophet – 10 reasons (4)
4. Muhammad was not an Israelite Muslims often go to Deuteronomy 18: 18-19 as one of the Biblical ‘proof’ texts which prophesy about Muhammad, according…